How to Set Up an Instagram Business Account [2022]

Step 1. Get your smartphone and download the Instagram app.

Posting content on Instagram is only possible by using the mobile app. Therefore, the very first step is to pull out your smartphone, find Instagram in your app store and download it. Go to Playstore if you're an Android user and App Store if you're an Apple user. If you already have one, that's great!

Step 2. Create an account using a business email address.

Once you have downloaded the Instagram app, click "Sign Up." Then, click "Sign up with email address or phone number." Choose either a phone number or email address, then click "Next." Then type in either your contact number and email address. Click "Next" and click "Continue as [your Facebook Profile name]" if you have a Facebook business page, or opt to make a new one if you like. Now, you've created your basic Instagram business profile.

Step 3. Edit your profile.

Edit or type your name, username, bio (a description of your business), and website (if you have one). Then, click to "Switch to Professional Account."

Below is a tutorial video on How to Set Up an Instagram Business Account [2021].


Step 4. Select a category.

Select a category for your product, service, or business. You will see a list of categories. If you're a real estate agent, search for Estate Agent. Don't forget to turn on "Display Category Label." 

Step 5. Answer the prompt "Are you a business?" 

If you're a business, choose Business. If you're a creator, select it. For real estate agents, choose Business. Then, click Next.

Step 6. Review your contact information. 

Make sure you put your business information such as business email address, business contact number, and business address (if you have one.) Remember, this information will be seen publicly on your profile. You can always edit or remove it anytime. When you're done with your contact information, click "Next."

Step 7. Link your business Facebook page.

Next, connect your Facebook page to your Instagram business page. You can either connect directly or create a new Facebook page. If you already have one, just connect it. Click "Next."

Step 8. Complete your profile and add a profile photo.

Make sure you complete your information on your profile this time.

If you're a real estate agent or the like, choose a variation of your name, business, location. It would be better if you create something that distinguishes you from a personal account.

Add a profile photo by clicking the photo icon. Make sure you choose an appropriate image for your Instagram business, whether it's a business profile photo or logo representing your business. Wait for the prompt, "Your profile picture was uploaded," to confirm.

Step 9. Explore other sections of your profile, and you can now start posting content.

Once you've completed your profile, you can review your profile to ensure that information is correct and complete. On the main page of your profile, you can see the sections "Edit Profile," "Promotions," and "Insights." You may also invite friends to like and share your Instagram page as well. 


How to Set Up a Facebook Business Page [2022]


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