990 Sims Ave, Jonesboro, AR

Interior and Exterior Photos

This property is being sold as is - cash offers.

Estimated square footage is 1180 - LOT size is 80 by 150

Two-bedroom - one-bathroom - Living room - Dining room - Kitchen with kitchenette - Laundry room - Needs electrical work done throughout the house needs to be replaced. - Floor furnace is fairly new and in good working order -  2 window units - the house does not have central heat and air -  Attic accessible through the laundry room - New hot water heater - Roof was replaced 5 or 6 years ago.

Video - NOTES and Floor Video Notes - Zillow Link

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Kenneth Purdom



303 6th Avenue Columbia TN


2513 Sewanee Place, Murfreesboro, TN