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How Real Estate Agents Can Increase Sales with Social Media

How Real Estate Agents can Increase Sales with Social Media

Social media can be a great marketing tool if you know how to use it properly. This is especially true for those who are in the real estate business. Moreover, social media is full of people who are looking for new properties to rent or buy at any given time. Hence, your presence should stay where the customers are.

Social Media Facts

  • Facebook: 2.47 billion users

  • YouTube: 1.5 billion users

  • Messenger: 1.2 billion users

  • Instagram: 800 million users

  • Tumblr: 357 million users

  • Twitter: 328 million users

  • Skype: 300 million users

  • Pinterest: 175 million users

  • LinkedIn: 106 million users

Source: Statista

If you aren’t using social media, you could be missing out on potential sales. Well, don’t let this be the case any longer. Here are some of the ways that you can use social media to increase your sales:

“Social media is here. It’s not going away, not a fad. Be where your customers are: in social media.”

– Lori Ruff

Instagram Story for Estate Agents

Using the Instagram story feature is one way to increase your sales. Instagram offers this feature so that people can share stories that will disappear after 24 hours. This was to stay competitive with Snapchat who has this feature. 

Moreover, take the gain of this IG story feature. By posting something on your Instagram story, you can see how many people have viewed it, and it also comes up with the list of usernames.

This can be used to your advantage as you can see what demographic is looking at each type of property. It helps you discover where you should direct your marketing to each kind of property.

Make Use Of ‘Share’

Sharing is a common feature on Facebook. People share things that they like, that they find interesting, or something that they think other people would enjoy themselves. 

If you post an ad on Facebook with some pictures, many people are likely to share it. Sometimes this will be people in the area, and sometimes it might be people outside the area who know people who live where the property is based.

The share button can be a great tool to increase sales as you will get people from all over sharing your ads. This way, it will reach a large number of people, maybe even people who weren’t looking to move but saw your ad and like the look of the property. 

Or, even if people aren’t interested in the specific ad posted, they may be interested in you or the company that you work for. It can increase interest and earn you new customers.


Adding videos of your properties to YouTube is another excellent way to increase sales. Even with the photos you use, you can use video to show off the place. Images are not always able to capture how big a room is or won’t be able to get every detail, but a video can.

The more subscribers you have, the people will see your advertised properties. This will increase your sales potential by a significant amount. 

By reaching a wider audience than those people who subscribe to property pages, users scrolling through will also likely see your advertisements and could be part of your target audience.

We hope that you have found this article useful and now know how you can use social media to increase your sales.

Action Steps for Real Estate Agents

  1. Create a Facebook Group

  2. Participate in Local Groups

  3. Add a Facebook Cover Video for your Facebook Page

  4. Go Live at a Property on Facebook

  5. Make a Youtube Page

  6. Post Video to your Youtube Page

  7. 360 Photo or Video

  8. Incorporate Excellent Photography

  9. Add Social-Specific Landing Pages

  10. Do Instagram with the right #tags

  11. Twitter Keyword Searches

  12. Sponsor a Local Event

There are many ways to start up your real estate social marketing efforts.

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