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9 Tips to Follow for a Spectacular Listing Photographs

9 Tips to follow for a Spectacular Listing Photographs Nashville

Where do most people start their search for homes and real estate? Kudos to you if you answered ‘online’! There are thousands of listings on the online market for real estate, resulting in more than 90% of buyers scrolling through visually appealing properties.

What better way to make your real estate more appealing than getting a perfect listing photograph!  

Ensure that your audience stops and notices your real estate while scrolling through their feed, making your photo a ‘thumb-stopper.’ The key to clicking a listing photo is capturing the essence of your property believably and beautifully. 

Without further ado, here we present nine tips to ace your next listing photograph!

How to Get the Buyer Stop and Notice Your Real Estate

1. Think like a buyer

Great photos are always high-definition and reveal every little detail. Take a nice, long walk to prepare yourself before starting the photoshoot. It's your job to capture the essence and emotion of the house. Remember, that it is not your house, but somebody else's which needs to show its emotions through the photographs. Try to minimize as many flaws as you can, and you are good to go.

2. Make the house look new and refreshing

The photoshoot is coming up, and that means it's time to declutter! There is never a moment when you can say that you have finished decluttering your house. You can always find an appliance lying here and there, on the kitchen counter, or toiletries in the bathroom.

Yes, you might have a busy house full of your family members, but that doesn’t need to be depicted in the photographs. 

Know that it’s the house that needs to be sold and not the furniture. Keep it minimal. Remove excessive and heavy furniture and all the post-it’s from the refrigerator. Throw away unnecessary magazines, remotes, and shoes. Oh, and never forget to close the toilet lid! Remove unnecessary stuff for real estate photos.

3. Outdoors matter!

The first impression is the last. Hence, the house needs to look as beautiful from the outside as it is from the inside. Sweep all the scrap away and trim all the bushes and trees. 

Get rid of all the garbage cans, toys, and gardening tools. Deck up those tiny little flower pots and lighten up the pool or fountain area with bright lights and water features.

4. Pick the perfect day for an ideal shoot

Imagine clicking a listing photograph where your house is almost invisible due to heavy pouring. Yeah, that would not work for your favor. 

Pre-plan the shooting date by going through the weather forecast. The sky should look blue and bright, especially if that is one of the main highlights of your real estate.

Try going for twilight shoots only if you are confident enough to produce a breathtaking picture, as shooting during this time of the day could be tricky. Set a time when the sun is up, and the house is looking bright and shiny. 

5. Light it up

Open up all the curtains and blinds to let the light in! Switch on all the bulbs and lamps, and make the house look warm and welcoming. Fix all the fused bulbs because broken articles send the wrong message. Great views are a result of perfect lighting.

6. Don’t overdo home-staging

You might think that staging the house and decorating the furniture with flowers and lights is the way to go about it, but that is not the case. All it does is obstruct the view of the house and its angles, which you would not want to do. For a better view of the floor and to make the house look more spacious, remove all the rugs and carpets. Just keep it simple and let the home sell itself.

7. It’s all about positioning

Do not click a photo of every corner, and close-ups are a strict no-no. Take a full shot of the house capturing all the essential details. Try encapsulating at least three walls in a frame. The house needs to look spacious and inviting and not confined and narrow.

8. Angles are way vital than you think

You must be familiar with how edges are essential while clicking a good selfie. The same goes for listing photographs. Odd angles can distort the view of the house. Keep the camera steady and straight, and shoot around chest-height. Show the world your home’s best mood!

9. Say bye-bye to photoshop

To attract your audiences is through following the tips and not by hiding behind the facade of photoshop. It is a useful tool but could turn out to be dangerous if overused. Focus on editing only the contrast and exposure of the photographs; go the natural way.

Keep in mind that you need to stand out if you want to grab the buyer’s attention. Make the house feel as homely and welcoming as you can. With all the above tips in mind, you are inevitably going to excel at clicking that listing photograph.

“Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

- William Morris